Scouts delighted with fund-raising result

VISITORS to the 9th Bexhill Scouts' jumble sale last Saturday took the youth movement's famous cry DYB, DYB, DYB - do your best! - quite literally when they dug deep in their pockets to help the scouts raise more than £600 towards badly-needed hiking equipment.

Troop leader Matthew Durkin, who supervised the event at the scout hut in Wainwright Road, said: “I just couldn’t believe how generous people were and how well supported the sale was. To raise that amount of money in just 90 minutes was astonishing, and we’re deeply grateful.”

The 25-strong group. roughly aged 10 to 14, has enjoyed growing popularity, so that mounting full expeditions means the troop often does not have enough kit to go round.

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Mr Durkin said the jumble sale, plus the offer of further funding to come, should mean they are able to muster full equipment in future. For further information about the scouts, Mr Durkin can be contacted on 07772 034326.

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