People the problem

I HAVE followed the development of planning policy in West Sussex for some time, fully aware of the dilemma, nay! The torture, which councillors and planning officers face in trying to reconcile competing political objectives in the best interests of us as a whole.

We, the present population, are the problem. We pay scant attention when the policies are being hammered out but raise hell when the consequences can be seen from the back gate. We really do think we can have our cake and eat it, a concept not confined to finance in Mediterranean countries. We pay lip service to social need then leave other people’s children to fend for themselves; we talk glibly of saving the environment for future generations then put at risk the economy from which to enjoy it.

Meanwhile, back at headquarters Cameron and Co have to trim the sails to get us out of a mess, preserve the landscape and leave the impression that we, at the grass roots, are in control.

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Well, I have news – it’s not on! The needs of the nation are paramount – jobs and homes are our bedrock, and we know it !

What brought this on, you ask ? Well, a planning lawyer poses the awkward question, does Localism and the new planning regime (NPPF) mean that a local ‘no’ will outweigh the national presumption in favour of sustainable development?

Watch this space... and that one, and the one over there. Brickbats on a postcard but, please, not simply from the usual culprits.

Harold Hall

