Tony Benn

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Tony Benn may not be a figure of veneration locally, but he was right in one thing.

What parliament and Government does is entirely a matter of pragmatic ethics. And that includes the economy.

We have a chancellor who appears to think the only really important issue is increasing production of goods and services, as if survival of the world is at stake otherwise; or survival of votes in the impending parliamentary elections.

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And a wildly increasing UK population does so increase this headline GDP.

He also appears to be treating money as a commodity rather than a vehicle of exchange for real wealth. Survival depends on how we treat our natural environment, with goods above a level of wellbeing a secondary matter. Does the chancellor know what goods are necessary, and what goods do little but deplete resources and harm the environment?

If we had a stable economy, employment of labour would reduce, so that Government would need to think about what additional social services could be provided.

We are all in this together, or are we?

R.W Standing

Sea Road

East Preston

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