Cooksbridge, Offham & Hamsey

Cooksbridge, Offham & Hamsey newsCooksbridge, Offham & Hamsey news
Cooksbridge, Offham & Hamsey news
CHURCH SERVICE: Sunday at St Peter’s Church, Offham, 10.15am Sunday School in the church hall. Mothering Sunday, Family Communion at 10.30am with distribution of flowers, conducted by Reverend David Perks, followed by coffee/tea, cake and biscuits in the church hall. And maybe there will be a special Mothers Day cake baked by Ursula. All are very welcome.

JUMBLE SALE: Tomorrow, Saturday, in the village hall, Beechwood Lane at 2pm. You can take jumble to the hall today, Friday, between 10am and noon. Contact Anita on 01273 472595 for further information. Tea/coffee and home-made cakes will be on sale. 25 percent of the proceeds will go to Hamsey Community Primary School.

DRAFT MINUTES: Hamsey Parish Council met on March 7. A resident asked about the pumping station at Beverbridge and the electric substation. The chairman explained that the last planning application was not acceptable to LDC so another was expected shortly. The resident was concerned about where the substation would go. Cllrs could not recall seeing the substation on any earlier applications an the chairman felt it would be likely to be part of reserved matters. The chairman will contact planning officer, Andrew Hill, to ask for details and will respond to Bevernbridge residents. Cllr Harmer declared an interest in application SDNP/19/00618/FUL and SDNP/19/00619/FUL

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UPDATES: Boundary planting and parking at Chatfields. Cllrs have met with developers at Chatfields and checked that planting was in accordance with the development plan. They had queried a missing section and boundary fence to the north of the site. Planting is now complete. Developers say the north boundary is a private matter between them and the neighbouring landowner. Cllr Baughan said in accordance with the Landscape Installation, Establishment and Management Plan, the buffer planting shrubs, trees and hedgerow are to remain as a permanent feature of the site and will be maintained by a management company set up on behalf of the residents. HPC has asked for clarification on the parking spaces, which were suppose to be for residents of the cottages on the A275. Recreation ground and the village hall. Cllr McBrown was happy to continue as booking manager for the hall. The new treasurer is now in place. A social evening was arranged to thank helpers and regular hirers and a presentation was made to Jenni Toomey in recognition of her years of assistance at the hall. Cllr McBrown and the chairman, Cllr D’Arienzo met with LDC emergency planning information council agreed that the village hall should be registered as an emergency shelter.

ISSUES ARISING: Cllr Baughan, Cllr McBrown and the chairman attended an SLR meeting with ESCC Highways. Relationships are good but it is still difficult to get firm commitments to solve issues. Fencing between Offham an Lewes is in a poor state and is a safety concern. Repairs tot he pavement Cooksbridge to Offham are on a works list but there is still no starting date. A report from Cllr Baughan as been circulated regarding rail and bus issues. There has been another full closure at Cooksbridge crossing and probably another to follow when the transfer from the old system to the new is carried out. The buses will not run on Saturday (this is very short notice). Details were to go on Facebook site. HPC have responded to the Lewes Bonfire survey objecting to the lack of consultation. Council are still waiting on a response from LDC to the survey on safety issues carried out at Downsview car park. A resident had disturbed an individual syphoning fuel from a vehicle in the car park. Police took forensics from the dropped fuel can and arrested a suspect. The chairman suggested purchasing a mobile CCTV camera that could be loaned to any resident suffering from persistent anti-social behaviour problems. Estimated to be under £100. Council agreed to the purchase. As there are so many planning applications which so many are interested in, I will have to mention them next week when there should be some answers in from Lewes District Council.

MEETING DATES 2019: May 16, July 11, September 12, November 7. All meetings in the village hall, Beechwood Lane at 7.15pm. The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on May 16 at 7pm, followed by the Annual Council Meeting.

UNBELIEVABLE: With so much on the news and in newspapers about dog worrying, I felt very angry at the weekend, especially as we are in the thick of lambing as many other farmers are just now. On Saturday I had just come in from outside and looked out to see a yellow Labrador coming up my drive which then proceeded to leave its calling card on my lawn. I then saw three people running towards the bridleway with another five or six dogs, at that stage on leashes, which once on the bridleway they loosed off. Bearing in mind that we have lambs in several fields, it is totally irresponsible of people to let their dogs run loose where there is livestock. Not only that, but I object to having to clear up in my garden after such irresponsible people who obviously totally ignore the countryside code.

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