At last! Is this an option we can do business with?

A NEW option has been added to the Worthing Hospital debate, which could see the hospital retaining most or all of its acute services.

This week, the health trusts charged with making the recommendations '“ headed by Candy Morris and departing Worthing-based chief executive Steve Phoenix, revived a plan put forward by Worthing consultants more than a month ago.

The option would see closer links between Worthing and the Royal Sussex County Hospital, Brighton, but could sound the death knell for some other centres.

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The new option was outlined at a meeting held in Billingshurst last Friday, attended by health professionals and some "stakeholders", but health officials said they did not want details passed to the press.

Those attending the meeting in Billingshurst last Friday included:

Bob Sang

Jenny Thomas

Brian Hughes

Sarah Hawke

Liz Catchpole

Farhang Tahzib

Cllr Robin Brown (Arun)

Beda Oliver

Claire Holloway (CE Western PCT)

Cllr Alan Gammon (PPI Forum Chair)

Michael Rymer (Medical Director, WaSH)

Cllr Christopher Snowling (Mid Sussex)

Paul Anderson (officer - Mid Sussex DC)

Richard Hathaway (CE Mid Sussex)

Dr Alison Smith

Bob Deans

Catherine Kelly (AAW)

Dr Amit Bhargava

Sue Pyper (Chairman - RWST)

Paul Watson (from Laura Moffat MP's office)

Nigel Haverson (Horsham DC)

Cllr Mrs Vivien Lyth (Horsham DC)

Sarah Creamer (H and C PCT)

Steve Williams (Crawley PCT)

Helena Reeves (SHA)

Cllr Myles Cullen (Leader, Chichester DC)

John Kingdon (Head of Environmental Health, Chichester DC)

John Dixon (Adult Services, West Sussex CC)

Tim Everett - Social Services, Worthing

Diane Henderson - Director, Age Concern

Martin Lewis (Clinical Development and Effectiveness Manager - Ambulance Trust)

Louise Hutchinson (PPI lead - Ambulance Trust)

Julia Russell (HOSC)

Anne-Marie Morris (HOSC Chairman)

Kathryn Hall

Peter Bottomley Rep

Read the full story in this week's Herald.