Royal British Legion - Womens Section - Bexhill - August 22

OUR meeting held on August 5 was opened by our chairman at 2pm.

The chairman then introduced us all to a new member, we were most happy to see her, as new members are always welcome.

The chairman then introduced our speaker for this month, Mrs. Millie Turbule, she gave us a most interesting talk on her life as a nippie at the Lyons Corner House in London in 1932, and she told us of the working side of her life and also some funny stories of her time working there.

We then had a short business meeting.

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All members that went on the outing to Burwash in July, said they had enjoyed it, thanks were given to the secretary for arranging the trip, and were looking forward to next year's outing.

We then had a cup of tea and biscuits, raffle and a catch up on news. The meeting closed at 4pm.

The next meeting on September 2nd at 2pm will be a Harvest Basket.