Work set for '˜disgusting' Arun Leisure Centre facilities

ks16000905-2 Arun Centre phot kate
Arun Leisure Centre.ks16000905-2 SUS-160822-180318008ks16000905-2 Arun Centre phot kate
Arun Leisure Centre.ks16000905-2 SUS-160822-180318008
ks16000905-2 Arun Centre phot kate Arun Leisure Centre.ks16000905-2 SUS-160822-180318008
Freedom Leisure has responded to comments areas of Arun Leisure Centre are still '˜disgusting' despite the recent £1.3m investment.

Following Monday’s announcement that work was complete, and that the centre was ‘fit for purpose’ again, readers took to social media to query why areas such as the changing rooms had not been updated.

Colin Pollard was one of many who queried why the work had not focused on customer ‘bugbears’ including the state of the changing areas and added ‘someone got paid a lot for doing very little’. Others raised complaints about staff training and temperature of the pool.

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These comments were put to Freedom Leisure, which oversees the centre for the district council. A spokesman said: “We apologise if any leisure centre members using the swimming pool changing rooms have found them to be below the expected standard.

“The swimming pool changing rooms are now over 20 years old and are in need of updating. Freedom Leisure and Arun District Council are aware of this and are working together in the hope of securing funding to make improvements in the near future.”

They added a ‘daily deep-cleaning regime in all areas of the changing rooms’ is carried out and – addressing a further issue raised – stated that the lockers have been updated to accept the new £1 coin.

The investment project has focused on the remodelling of the centre’s foyer with the introduction of a ‘modern hub-style reception’ and a café serving Costa coffee and a ‘range of grab-and-go products’.

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New larger changing facilities have been installed for the first-floor gym and energy conservation work has been carried out throughout the centre.

Councillor Mike Clayden, Arun District Council’s cabinet member for community wellbeing, said the refurbishment work is ‘fantastic’, while Andrew Smith, Freedom Leisure area manager added the team was ‘delighted’ with the results.