£61,000 Hop Oast Depot failure - council response

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An ‘additional’ cost of £61,000 was met by the taxpayer for a treatment plant failure at Hop Oast Depot, Horsham, revealed report papers for a council meeting two weeks ago.

The budget reports attributed the sum to removing effluent and waste water from Horsham’s depot.

Remedial works are to be on hand shortly, it was added.

A spokesperson for Horsham District Council, 11 days after this newspaper asked for information on the failure, attributed costs, and remedial works, said: “Significant works to Horsham District Council’s Hop Oast depot, just off Worthing Road in Horsham, are due to take place to deal with this issue.

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“A short term solution has been applied which has resulted in tankering off site, however a long term solution, which requires rebuilding and significant drainage improvements, is due to start shortly.

“Given the complex needs and uses of the depot, which also includes our vehicle workshop, the works and timing of these works are complicated.”