LETTER: Quality of life was changed for worse

What's on.What's on.
What's on.
I have enclosed with this letter a copy of a newspaper report dating from the mid 1980s concerning the creation of the Horsham Northern Bypass (A264).

This scheme caused problems to some home owners which have still not been resolved satisfactorily all these years later. The only consolation being that this new road was going to be the northern boundary for any further development. We had no reason to believe other than what we were told.

Horsham District Council and West Sussex County Council seem to have taken the attitude now that it doesn’t matter if the environment is damaged alongside this road by the construction of 2,500 properties.

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Many of us did object to parts of the bypass scheme prior to construction but it was to no avail and it did change our lives irrevocably, the quality of which has never been as good since.

I hope history is not going to repeat itself.


Dorking Road, Warnham