LETTER: Quality of letters is outstanding

Your lettersYour letters
Your letters
The quality of letters contributed to your columns last week (November 27) was outstanding. I think it is tremendous the way local residents unable to make their voice heard through our undemocratic council (under Cllr Dawe’s leadership) are contributing to your paper.

Over the last few months the quality of well-researched and referenced letters has been an inspiration. We have no other outlet because the oppressive HDC leadership of Cllr Dawe and his deputy Cllr Croft (of ‘absolute loyalty’ to the great leader as she said in an interview with this paper) aided by the previous Chairman Circus preventing backbench councillors and members of the public from asking difficult and awkward questions about the flawed schemes on which they waste our money.

Eduardo Delgado

Parry Close, Horsham

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