Mini roundabout to be built in Felpham

Junction improvement works are set to start in Felpham, with a new mini roundabout being built to help drivers exit a side road, according to the county council.

A West Sussex County Council spokesman said local county councillor Hilary Flynn and the parish council identified the Summerley Lane/Felpham Way junction as ‘needing improvement’. Read more from councillor Flynn here.

“Local consultation led to the new mini roundabout being included in an improvement scheme, which is aimed at reducing the impact of increased traffic from new developments in the area,” it added.

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“It will make it easier for traffic movements in and out of Summerley Lane, improve safety for those making a right turn out of the junction and help reduce traffic speeds in this part of Felpham Way.

“The introduction of the mini roundabout also means the controlled pedestrian crossing will need to be moved - to outside the petrol station. The existing pedestrian refuge islands will be enlarged to provide safer places to cross the road.”

West Sussex Highways apologised for any inconvenience and delays that will be caused during the works.

A spokesman added: “Please be assured we will do all we can to try to limit this as much as possible by manually controlling the temporary traffic lights during peak periods.”

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The work is scheduled to start on January 21 and should take about six weeks, subject to factors such as severe weather, according to the county council.

The county council spokesman added: “Three-way, temporary traffic lights will be in operation for the majority of the works and will include a temporary pedestrian crossing facility.

“The project is being funded from developer contributions and will cost about £140k.”

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